In my artistic work I have often confronted the viewer with images and objects that raise questions and hint at puzzles, mysteries and stories. Going beyond the bounds delineated by rational thought, I have sought to offer a richer spiritual home to the self than the impoverished hovels and shacks that social philosophy and consumerism offer. Yet with the development of Humanese and my forays into mathematics, the puzzles and mysteries hitherto alluded to, are pin-pointed more clearly. The result is a clearer elucidation and naming of the good, the true and the beautiful than was possible before and so constitutes a more definite instance of reaching out for the divine and the rationale of that which lies over and above us. I thus return to my starting point of forty years ago, only this time, I am equipped with an arsenal of tools that enable me to break the deadlock of the present and dissolve the boundaries between art, language, mathematics and philosophy. The gallery below is thus a visual guide to the last stage of a journey. For current work, on the Main Menu, click „Humanese“ and then go to the Archive. On the Garden page there are also some figurative sculptures.